from pymongo import MongoClient
import pymongo
MongoClient(host=['localhost:27017'], document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, connect=True)
导入测试数据 下载:
mongoimport –db test –collection restaurants –drop –file ~/downloads/primer-dataset.json
pymongo 使用
client = MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017" )
client = MongoClient()
db = client.test
db = client['test' ]
Collection(Database(MongoClient(host=['localhost:27017'], document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, connect=True), 'test'), 'restaurants')
插入数据 插入一个Document from datetime import datetime
result = db.restaurants.insert_one(
"address" : {
"street" : "2 Avenue" ,
"zipcode" : "10075" ,
"building" : "1480" ,
"coord" : [-73.9557413 , 40.7720266 ]
"borough" : "Manhattan" ,
"cuisine" : "Italian" ,
"grades" : [
"date" : datetime.strptime("2014-10-01" , "%Y-%m-%d" ),
"grade" : "A" ,
"score" : 11
"date" : datetime.strptime("2014-01-16" , "%Y-%m-%d" ),
"grade" : "B" ,
"score" : 17
"name" : "Vella" ,
"restaurant_id" : "41704620"
result = db.restaurants.insert_many([{'x' : i,'y' :34 } for i in range(3 )])
[{'x' : i,'y' :34 } for i in range(3 )]
[{'x': 0, 'y': 34}, {'x': 1, 'y': 34}, {'x': 2, 'y': 34}]
查找 查询 数据 查询所有数据 cursor = db.restaurants.find()
{'_id': ObjectId('589bd9efd1dc797515fdb021'),
'address': {'building': '129-08',
'coord': [-73.839297, 40.78147],
'street': '20 Avenue',
'zipcode': '11356'},
'borough': 'Queens',
'cuisine': 'Delicatessen',
'grades': [{'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 8, 16, 0, 0),
'grade': 'A',
'score': 12},
{'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 8, 27, 0, 0), 'grade': 'A', 'score': 9},
{'date': datetime.datetime(2012, 9, 20, 0, 0), 'grade': 'A', 'score': 7},
{'date': datetime.datetime(2011, 9, 29, 0, 0), 'grade': 'A', 'score': 10}],
'name': "Sal'S Deli",
'restaurant_id': '40361618'}
相等条件查询 Specify Equality Conditions¶ 查询顶级字段数据 cursor = db.restaurants.find({"borough" : "Manhattan" })
通过内嵌字段查询 Query by a Field in an Embedded Document, cursor = db.restaurants.find({"address.zipcode" : "10075" })
{'_id': ObjectId('589bd9f0d1dc797515fdb166'),
'address': {'building': '1133',
'coord': [-73.958885, 40.7745559],
'street': 'Lexington Avenue',
'zipcode': '10075'},
'borough': 'Manhattan',
'cuisine': 'Italian',
'grades': [{'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 8, 11, 0, 0),
'grade': 'A',
'score': 11},
{'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 10, 0, 0), 'grade': 'A', 'score': 9},
{'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 10, 0, 0), 'grade': 'A', 'score': 12},
{'date': datetime.datetime(2012, 6, 8, 0, 0), 'grade': 'A', 'score': 13},
{'date': datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 25, 0, 0), 'grade': 'A', 'score': 8},
{'date': datetime.datetime(2011, 9, 13, 0, 0), 'grade': 'A', 'score': 12}],
'name': 'Don Filippo Restaurant',
'restaurant_id': '40372417'}
通过数组内字段查询 Query by a Field in an Array cursor = db.restaurants.find({"grades.grade" : "B" })
Note: 数组中有一个元素满足条件,则此Document满足条件 The above queries for documents whose grades array contains an embedded document with a field grade equal to “B”.
应用操作符查询 Specify Conditions with Operators 查询结构: { : { : } }
> 大于 Greater Than Operator ($gt) cursor = db.restaurants.find({"grades.score" : {"$gt" : 30 }})
< 小于操作 Less Than Operator ($lt) cursor = db.restaurants.find({"grades.score" : {"$lt" : 10 }})
$gte,>=; $lte <=; 其他操作符 ,详见
组合查询 Combine Conditions 通过 and or not 等组合查询条件
Logical AND #直接添加 条件
cursor = db.restaurants.find({"cuisine" : "Italian" , "grades.score" : {"$lt" : 10 }})
cursor = db.restaurants.find({"cuisine" : "Italian" , "address.zipcode" : "10075" })
cursor = db.restaurants.find({"$and" : [{"cuisine" : "Italian" }, {"address.zipcode" :"10075" }]})
Logical OR cursor = db.restaurants.find(
{"$or" : [{"cuisine" : "Italian" }, {"address.zipcode" : "10075" }]})
排序 Sort Query Results cursor = db.restaurants.find().sort([
("borough" , pymongo.ASCENDING),
("address.zipcode" , pymongo.ASCENDING)
Update Data with PyMongo 使用更新操作符,$set,$inc,$mul,$rename,$unset……
更新特定键 Update Specific Fields '''
updates the first document with name equal to "Juni",
using the $set operator to update the cuisine field and
the $currentDate operator to update the lastModified field with the current date.
result = db.restaurants.update_one(
{"name" : "Juni" },
"$set" : {
"cuisine" : "American (New)"
"$currentDate" : {"lastModified" : True }
返回一个UpdateResult, 具有本次更新的相关数据,如result.modified_count
更新内嵌的键值对 Update an Embedded Field
result = db.restaurants.update_one(
{"restaurant_id" : "41156888" },
{"$set" : {"address.street" : "East 31st Street" }}
The following operation updates all documents that have address.
zipcode field equal to "10016" and cuisine field equal to "Other",
setting the cuisine field to "Category To Be Determined"
and the lastModified field to the current date.
result = db.restaurants.update_many(
{"address.zipcode" : "10016" , "cuisine" : "Other" },
"$set" : {"cuisine" : "Category To Be Determined" },
"$currentDate" : {"lastModified" : True }
result = db.restaurants.replace_one(
{"restaurant_id" : "41704620" },
"name" : "Vella 2" ,
"address" : {
"coord" : [-73.9557413 , 40.7720266 ],
"building" : "1480" ,
"street" : "2 Avenue" ,
"zipcode" : "10075"
Note: Mongodb 对于单个document 满足原子性,对于一次操作很多文档,并不满足原子性。如果想使操作很多文档也满足原子性,使用$isolated
删除数据 Remove Data Use the delete_one() method and the delete_many()
删除所有符合条件数据 Remove All Documents That Match a Condition result = db.restaurants.delete_many({"borough" : "Manhattan" })
删除所有数据 Remove All Documents result = db.restaurants.delete_many({})
删除整个集合 Drop a Collection
数据聚合 Data Aggregation Use the aggregate() method to perform a stage-based aggregation. The aggregate() method accepts as its argument an array of stages, where each stage, processed sequentially, describes a data processing step.格式: db.collection.aggregate([, , …]) $group $match $sort $count …..
Group Documents by a Field and Calculate Count cursor = db.restaurants.aggregate(
{"$group" : {"_id" : "$borough" , "count" : {"$sum" : 1 }}}
Filter and Group Documents cursor = db.restaurants.aggregate(
{"$match" : {"borough" : "Queens" , "cuisine" : "Brazilian" }},
{"$group" : {"_id" : "$address.zipcode" , "count" : {"$sum" : 1 }}}
Indexes with PyMongo db.restaurants.create_index([
("cuisine" , pymongo.ASCENDING),
("address.zipcode" , pymongo.DESCENDING)